Friday, February 4, 2011


Research has long studied the optimal # of sets & reps, including frequency for Progressive Resistance Training, for optimal strength improvement (NOTE: training for muscle hypertrophy, muscle power, and muscle endurance require some alter specifications which I will include in separate posts). So far, this is what I've gathered:

  • Novice Lifters:
    • 8-12 Reps
    • 1-3 Sets
    • 2-3 x/week
    • REST: 1-2 min between sets/ 2-3 min for core
  • Intermediate Lifters:
    • 6-12 Reps
    • Multiple sets
    • 2-4x/week
    • REST: 2-3 min between sets
  • Advanced Lifters:
    • 1-12 Reps
    • Mutiple Sets
    • 4-6x/week
    • REST: 1-2 min between sets
  1. Large before small muscle groups (i.e. quads before calves)
  2. Multiple-muscle (compound) before single-muscle (isolation) exercises
  3. Higher intensity before lower intensity
  4. Fast tempo lifts typically generate more strength improvement than moving at a slower rate, but it's always good to mix up your tempo (especially with core training) 
  5. Training 2x's every second day shows to produce overall superior results compared w/ daily training (the extra day of recovery = greater muscle replenishment and structural adaptations)
  6. You grow when you sleep, inadequate recovery retards muscle development. So get adequate REST!!!!!

(References: McArdle, W., Katch, F., & Katch, V., (2007). Exercise Phsyiology. 6th edition; 493-553. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.)


  1. Are you training for anything in particular (figure competitions, etc.) or is it for self satisfaction?

  2. Nothing in particular yet... I'm student of exercise physiology and nutrition reading scientific research and conducting my own, so i'm just constantly applying what I learn in my routines and diet... When I'm not so preoccupied with school I plan on possibly entering figure competitions =-)

  3. You definitely should someday, you are beautiful and have an amazing physique! I love your blog, I am so confused when it comes to weight training and supplements (I am a runner myself) so it is nice to read from another woman's blog about it! My blog is if you are interested at all! I would love your input!

  4. Thank you so much for the compliments =-)Your words are very encouraging! and i'm definitely gonna check your blog out and subscribe to it! Thank you for your input, and YES it's always nice to get a females perspective in the world of exercise and nutrition! I've learned sooo much great info in exercise science, and have sooo much more to share. So i'll continue to keep updating and keep ya posted!! And if you have ANY questions about ANYTHING health, fitness, and/or nutrition ask away! I will do my best to provide answers and information! :-)

  5. Great advice. Spot on! Thank you.

  6. Great advice and positive thinking we all need..
