Ace's Meditations on: Your Thoughts
"Every volition and thought of man is inscribed on his brain, for volition and thoughts have their beginnings in the brain, whence they are conveyed to the bodily members, wherein they terminate. Whatever, therefore, in the mind is in the brain, and from the brain in the body, according to the order of its parts.Thus a man writes his life in his physique, and thus the angels discover his autobiography in his structure. " --Sweden-Borg.
The trouble with most of us is that, while ambitious to succeed, we do not put ourselves in a condition to win; we do not cut the cords which bind us, or try to get rid of the entanglements and obstructions that hinder us. We trust too much to LUCK.
Most of us are so bound in our ‘nature’ that we cannot get free; cannot gain the liberty to do the larger thing possible to us.
We must cut off everything which causes friction, which tends to weaken effort, lower the ideals, and drag down the life standard; everything which tends to kill the ambition and to make us satisfied with mediocrity.
Do NOT let your ambition mock you b/c you cannot satisfy it!
"If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place".
Inspired by Author: Orwell
Ace's Meditations On: EDUCATION
The world is a great university.Everything in it is trying to teach us a lesson; to give us its great secret.
Everything has a lesson for people who are always "At school" & storing up precious bits of knowledge....It all depends on the eye that can see, the mind that can appropriate.
The eye was intended for a great educator. The brain is a prisoner, never getting out to the outside world. It depends on its' 5 (or 6) servants, the senses, to bring it material and the larger part of it comes through the eye. The man/woman who has learned the art of seeing things looks with his/her brain.
Inspired by Author: Orwell
Ace's Meditations On: Best Option
As your time EXPIRES, it's best that you continuously surround yourself with the people that you ADMIRE !
Ace's Meditations On: Location of Harm
2.1.11Nothing that goes on in anyone else's mind can harm you. Nor can the shifts & changes in the world around you....--so where is harm to be found? -- In your capacity to SEE IT. . .
Inspired by~Aurelius~<3