Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lower ABS for YOU

Your body likes to store fat in the lower abdominal region. This makes it doubly difficult to reduce the bulge in that area. The fact that if you have fat covering your abdominal region you NEED to perform (in conjunction):
  • cardio (20-30 mins/day)
  • weight training (3-5 times/week)
  • CLEAN healthy diet

Abdominal exercise generally get best results when you perform sets in the 20-30+ rep range.

Abdominal exercises differ slightly from other exercise in regards to sets and reps.
This is because your abdominals are a type I muscle fiber. This means they are highly resistant to fatigue and should require a higher number of reps compared to the muscles in most of your body.

Here's some of my personal favorite lower AB exercises:

Scissors & Flutter Kicks (Little Extra: sitting on a BOSU ball):

Starting Position: Begin by sitting on a Bosu Ball. Place your hands on the floor for support. Then, extend your legs straight in front of you at about a 45 degree angle.
Form: While keeping your stomach muscles tight and your legs straight, for scissors: first cross your right leg over your left leg. Then, separate your legs before crossing your left leg over your right leg.- OR- for flutter kicks: alternate kicking your legs in the air.

Leg Raises (w/ Stability Ball): 

Starting Position: Lie on your back and place a stability ball between your feet. Place your hands at your sides for support or place your hands just under your hips for support.

Form: While keeping your lower back stable, lift your legs until your hips are at about 90 degrees. Hold for a brief moment at the top and then slowly lower to the starting position.

Decline Reverse Crunches

Starting Position: Lie on a declined board with your feet towards the floor and your arms overhead to stabilize your body.
Form: Keeping your upper body still and your knees bent, curl your lower body up, bringing your knees towards your chest. Hold for 1 second and slowly lower to the starting position keeping your knees bent throughout the movement.

Personal Trainer Tips: As you lift your knees towards your chest, attempt to lift your hips and pelvis off the board—this is a key to making this exercise the most effective.
If you have difficulty lifting your hips off the board, simply bring your knees as high as they will go until your strength and flexibility improves.
As you increase the angle on the incline, you make the exercise more challenging for the abdominal muscles.

Side Rolls (also targets Obliques) w/ or without Ball

Starting Position: Begin by lying on your back. Then, squeeze the ball against your thighs with your feet.
Form: Lift the ball about 2-3 inches off the floor. Then, slowly roll your legs to one side. Go as far as you can control without lifting your shoulders off the floor. Then reverse directions.


Starting Position: Begin by sitting on the floor with your knees bent and your hands on the floor for balance.
Form: Inhale and recline your body backwards as you extend your legs straight in front of you. Hold briefly before bringing your knees towards your chest and forming the letter V.
Personal Trainer Tips: This can be a challenging exercise. Because the legs are moving it puts slightly more pressure on the lower back when compared with ab crunches.
Listen to your body and move in a controlled manner.


 Pictures and descriptions provided from:  http://www.ab-core-and-stomach-exercises.com/best_stomach_flattening_exercises.html

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Just wanted to help up-the-ante for those who need help "focusing their scope" on a healthier lifestyle!

    • on raising metabolism rather than burning calories

    • on fixing body imbalances to make every workout more productive and to get rid of chronic aches & pains

    • on creating time for YOURSELF
      • A few ideas of things to take out that will give you more time for your health & fitness goals: TV; Facebook/iphone games; Drinking; Hanging out w/ people who suck!
    •  on deep breathing techniques
      • Make sure you are breathing from the BOTTOM of your lungs, not the top. Effectively  Filling your lungs with oxygen to be transferred to every tissue in your body
    • hydrating your body with approximately 5 liters of water per day
      • OR- Half your body weight & drink that number in ounces of water a day. (Example: 160lbs drinks 80ounces = 4-5small bottles).
    • committing yourself to 20-60 minutes of any type of Cardiovascular exercises at least 4-6 times per week. 
      •  TIP: studies show that cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach boosts your metabolism.

    •  making a dedication to yourself! You have two choices: excuses or results. Which one do you want?
    • on your posture! Are your shoulders rolled inwards? Do your shoulder blades look winged out? This means you REALLY need to start thinking about strengthening your upper back! If you have a desk job, you can notice that as the hours pass your shoulders begin to roll inward and your shoulder blades begin to stick out & you hunch over your keyboard...Not a good look! make sure you constantly check your posture!
      1. Toss your shoulders back, 
      2. Slightly stick your chest out, 
      3. Chin pushed slightly back 
      4. Engage your core as often as possible! 
      5. Having great posture IS attractive & it commands attention!
    • portion control: Eat until your satisfied and stop before you are full. You can eat again in 1-2 hours!
      • When you over-eat you stretch the smooth muscle of the stomach, increasing your appetite! No bueno!
    • on connecting Mind. Body. & Spirit--> "Health, Wealth, Positivity, Prosperity"<-- Great Mantra!