Thursday, March 3, 2011


TIP # 1: If you HATE doing long bouts of cardio, Try doing 5 min  bouts of various cardio between every two resistance training exercises...
  • example: Start out with 3 sets of squats & 3 sets of lunges, then proceed to compliment those legs on the stair master (or bicycle, tred, elliptical) for a solid 5 mins at a relatively high & challenging intensity. Then continue to performing 2 other resistance exercises (I'd target the hamstrings, and quads, glutes & calves on various machines)
TIP # 2: REMEMBER when it comes to resistance training, it is BEST to: work on LARGE muscle (groups) BEFORE small muscle (groups).

TIP # 3: If your Goal is to increase muscle size and strength: You should Lift weights BEFORE Cardio (if you do weights and cardio for your workout session)...(to apply this to tip #1, perform the resistance training before the first 5 minute bout of cardio)
  •  You want to lift weights 1st when the body's main source of energy for muscle contraction glycogen is high. If you do a hard cardio workout before lifting , you deplete glycogen, which makes the workout ineffective.
TIP # 4: Ladies often complain about their inner thighs, i.e. "Creamy Thighs" ... therefore, we spend lots of precious time on thigh adductor machines...but all those machines do is build that muscle under the 'CREAM,' making that area look bigger... the BEST workout for the inner thighs is exercising on a BICYCLE ergometer. IT burns that CREAM and tones at the same time!
  • try those "SPIN" classes, they'll do those thighs good, plus you'll burn around +700-800 calories in a 60 min session!